Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Little Poem

Before I was a therapist, I was a writer. In my twenties, I wrote a lot of poetry. As I approach fifty, I find myself returning to that form. Here is one I think fits the mission of this blog…

I traveled to the future,
and found you there.
We had lunch, turkey sandwiches
with delicious Swiss cheese.
And you said to me, waving
half a sandwich in the air for emphasis,
“Tell myself, when you get back,
that everything turns out fine.
Tell me not to worry so much, or,” you said,
swallowing a sip of iced tea,
“Not to worry at all, ever.
And to be kind to myself,
especially when naked.
This,” you said, making a circle with your finger,
indicating the whole of your body,
“will not get younger, stronger, or better looking
through self-contempt. Smile into the mirror,”
you told me to tell you.
“Oh,” you said, finishing the last bite of turkey,
sipping the last sip of tea,
“and tell me to take care of my knees.”

J. Levin 5/14

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