Monday, May 18, 2015

Eat Whatever the Huckleberry you Want

I just saw an article on FB telling us that milk is harmful. If you love milk, don't fret. Next year, milk will be a superfood that cures everything that ails you. And if you hate milk, no worries. The year after that, it will be demonized again. I've said it before. The experts have no idea what's good for you. Carbs, fats, nuts, eggs, gluten - they all get their turn as villain and hero.

I wonder if this scientific back and forth is really a reflection of a bigger struggle in our culture: we feel guilty for enjoying delicious food. It must be healthy, or we are "bad." 

Food is not a moral issue. Neither is being fat - even though people fiercely judge those with body fat. Know what is a moral issue - at least in the Christian faith? Judging people. You can't control whether other people are judgemental. But you can work toward making your own mind a judgement free zone. Loving yourself unconditionally is a very good diet to adopt. It will lower your stress. And I think the experts remain consistent that stress damages health.

Love, on the other hand creates oxytocin. Dr. Michael Gershon, author of The Second Brain, writes about how oxytocin appears to reduce inflammation in the gut and positively impact autoimmune disorders. It also creates feelings of bliss. So, rather than fussing over what you put in your mouth or the number on the scale, feed yourself a steady diet of kindness, gentleness, play and compassion. Wrap your own arms around yourself and send love to every cell in your body. Even if the feelings aren't genuine at first, pretend that they are. Treating yourself lovingly will make you feel loved over time. 

If other people judge you, tell them to take a flying huckleberry.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Honoring Your Inner Mother on Mother's Day

If you struggle on Mother's Day (or any holiday) because your relationship with your mom was (is) difficult -
If you felt more like a burden to her than a gift -
If you've been learning to love yourself (or want to learn how) unconditionally -

Read my newest post on